Getting Started!

Starting an exercise plan for me was like me trying to get started writing a blog.

I really wanted to, I thought about it all the time, I had all these great ideas – usually at the most inconvenient times, like as I was lying in bed falling asleep, standing in the shower, or driving to work. I thought about the blog while starting my exercise plan, and I thought about my exercise while working on my time set aside for my blog!

I doubted myself and my ability to succeed, and second-guessed my decisions and ideas.

And when I got going, all enthusiastically that first day, maybe even on a second, a half dozen other *more important* things came up that were critically important – kids, homework, parents, dinner, work deadlines, housework.

There was always something else to do, or someone else to worry about, something that seems more important. But at some point, you have to make *you* the priority. Not at the exclusion of all else, and everything in moderation, but make the time. For You. Because if you don’t, no one else will.

Make Yourself a Priority

In my weight-loss journey, what I realized is that you have to make yourself a priority. Whether you set an alarm clock and get up ahead of the family to do what you want to, or whether you book time in your day – schedule a “meeting” with yourself or take a lunch time walk, it’s up to you to set time aside and stick to it.

Make it as important in your schedule as getting the kids to school on time or yourself to work. This is important and if you really want it, then go for it, set aside the time and do it, as often as you can. But stick to your plan as best you can, because you are important too.

Just Do It

Most importantly it’s about your attitude. Don’t procrastinate, just do it. Even if you don’t have much time or energy, do what you can.

You planned 30 minutes but only have 15? Go. Now.

Tired? Ok, sorry to hear that. Go. Now.

It really doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like it. It really doesn’t matter if you aren’t seeing great results. You have to do the steps to lose the weight. It’s as simple as calories in versus calories out.

While I will talk about diet and meal planning later, exercise seriously helps. It makes you feel good (those stress relieving happy vibes called endorphins!), it makes you feel like you are doing something to help yourself, and slowly but surely it shapes you. Muscles have far better definition than fat, and you start to look sleeker, slimmer and shapelier, even when you aren’t losing the pounds as quickly as you want. More importantly it’s good for your heart and your overall health. You do need to enjoy the exercise you pick. You do need to be making small gains otherwise it’s hard to stay motivated, but honestly it’s about making the effort and sticking to it even when you really don’t want to.

Only You Can Do It

Which brings me to another point… only you can do this. Many people will swear by having a gym buddy or walking partner, but really, truly, it’s all up to you. I may be a bit cynical but you can’t rely on anyone else. Whether it’s a loved one or someone who needs to lose weight as much as you, there are going to be days they don’t want to go, and then you won’t. Sure, there is the theory that on their off days, you motivate them, and on your off days, they motivate you. Alternatively, more likely, you keep putting each other off.

I used to make the mistake of trying to get my husband to join me going to the gym, to the pool, or for a walk. He very, very rarely wanted to. He just doesn’t like working out in front of people, doesn’t like pools and he finds walking boring. But the downside of me hoping and trying, and looking for motivation from someone else was that I didn’t go more often than not. I would ask him almost daily and about once a week or two, we would go for a stroll. Not the speed I wanted, not the frequency I wanted. He was ruining what little inclination I could muster. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my husband and he is super encouraging and supportive and now even has his own exercise plan he enjoys, we just have different goals and interests, which is funny because we enjoy so many of the same things.

That said; if you can find an exercise buddy and you find you have different off days, by all means, go for it! But if you find yourself not going because they didn’t want to, or had plans, consider going it alone.

Forgive Yourself

On the other side of this anti-procrastination theory I have, there is the odd day where I get home late from work, I don’t feel well, or it’s a special occasion. It’s ok to say, not tonight. It’s a special day and I recognize that and accept that. No guilt, no hard feelings. But without fail you have to go the next day, because one day skipped that’s ok, two days that’s getting to be a new habit, and after three days you’ve lost your momentum. The important thing is to forgive yourself and just treat each day as a new day. Even if you have missed three days, how exciting; you are starting a new exercise routine, let’s go get it!

Keep Going

It's a Cold Day!

I will be giving you other ideas to complement your exercise routine, and looking at diet, but the main thing is to keep going. Whether it feels like it makes a difference, whether you are losing, and whether you really want to or not… As the mailman code says: “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” Although to be honest, if it’s really windy, a huge summer thunderstorm, or the sidewalks are icy, you will find me inside on my stationery bicycle or walking circles to make my step count, lifting weights or even using one of a couple of apps that have daily exercise plans, and yes sometimes just taking the day off. But here are no excuses, if you really want this.

GO For It!!

Author: Natalie

Healthy living blogger

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